The Jussie Smollett Propaganda ‘Living In A F’d Up World’

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Apparently being classified as ‘black’ or being named after two continents (African-American) just doesn’t move the needle anymore for white guilt sympathizer’s, the history of racial oppression, and Civil Rights activists. Even though black males have been the overwhelming targets of injustice in this country which has lead to false imprisonment, lengthy prison sentencing compared to their white counterparts, racial profiling that often turns into police brutality, and white vigilantism long before MAGA hats ever existed. Now, black men have to worry about our SEXUAL IDENTITY as the new plight in our Martin Luther King efforts to overcome in 2019 against the dastardly, white supremacists. This is the narrative that Empire actor, Jussie Smollett, wanted you to believe. It’s not just Smollett who wants the world to believe that those who wear there sexual identities on their sleeves are being targeted for doing so, but others in the LGBTQ and black feminist/intersectionalist crowd are apart of this charade to separate one’s sexual preference or identity, from one’s blackness. As if our ancestors were ever told prior to being lynched by white vigilante’s that; “We’re lynching you Nigger cause we’s heard you’s a faggot!” Since Negro lynchings were often a sadistic public spectacle (which has never lead to anti-lynching legislation laws being passed btw), Smollett decided to take matters into his own hands by concocting his own public lynching involving two MAGA hat wearing white thugs, a noose, and a bottle of bleach.
From the first time I heard about the Smollett attack, I knew something just wasn’t right about it. When you consider the time (2 a.m.) and the inclement weather conditions (below zero) temperatures; its hard to imagine two bloodthirsty, Nigger fag-hating, Trump (white) supporters on the prowl at night during arctic weather conditions. Yes, I’m using the nefarious “F” word because the actor Smollett did in his alleged hate crime encounter that you would often see in some sleazy, fictitious, tabloid magazine such as The National Enquirer, Star or Globe. Now you would think being a public figure that the star actor would notify the Chicago Police after surviving the windy city beat down; instead, Smollett chose to keep in contact with his manager for the next few hours while adorning a noose around his neck to support his “lynching” ordeal. I guess this gave his manager time to alert Jussie’s Empire contemporaries -Taraji P. Henson, Terrence Howard, and creator/director Lee Daniels – and the liberal media as they were in go mode taking to their social media accounts to express their outrage and offer their deepest condolences. Henson, one the shows main characters who plays the strong, boisterous, “Cookie Lyons”, while posting on The Gram wishing the best for Smollett who she affectionately calls “Her Baby” was also very passionate about any fans of Jussie or of the show (Empire) to download his new song, F.U.W., to make it go platinum(?). The outpour of support continued to flood social media timelines with the hashtag “#JusticeForJussie” (which later became a rally in N.Y.C.) from fans and notable celebrities and activists such as Katy Perry, John Legend, Michael B. Jordan and Reverend Al Sharpton; to which I knew this “attack” was leaning towards a political direction when I seen a story that read “a modern-day lynching.”
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Presidential hopefuls, Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Cory Booker, D-N.J., trumpeted the eerie “modern-day lynching” phrase in a pair of tweets in hopes that such attack against the gay-first actor and others like him that the penalty should be posed as a federal crime and members in Congress should be behind their Anti-Lynching bill which was unanimously by the Senate in December, but has yet to be voted on by the House. Interestingly enough, Smollett’s homophobic story seems oddly coincidental during a time when you have two Obama-posing “rejects” declaring their bids for the white house on sentimental days for black America on Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Harris), and the first day of Black History Month (Booker). There’s even photo’s of the Empire actor who had the unmitigated gull to coin himself, “The Gay Tupac”, during a concert after the attack, being pro Harris and Booker in several Justice for Victims rallies and LGBTQ and Women’s Right’s movements run by liberal Democrats. I bring up the political aspect of this Smollett charade now deemed a hoax is because even behind the anti-lynching legislation there might even be a deeper agenda called HR 2282, aka the “Equality Act.” This Act, again being backed by Harris and Booker, will amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit and the jury system. So in other words, the so-called Civil Rights Act that many black Americans marched for, died for, were Jim Crow segregated against, thrown in prison and actually LYNCHED for will have to take another seat at the proverbial back of the bus; and make room for those of the sexually confused crowd. It is no wonder why Martin Luther’s “Dream Speech” made him realize that it had become a nightmare then, and should be more frightening now.
In Smollett’s over zealous pursuit to bring awareness to victims of the LGBTQ community in his now FALSE tale of him being victimized by two homophobic racists (who were actually two paid Nigerian extras from the Empire series), Jussie has even further alienated himself and other black gays in an already divisive community. Think it not strange that Smollett would collaborate a hoax involving two racist white men feeding into the anti-Trump, alt-Right paradigm; when in all actuality the very same LGBTQ community he’s a part of, has its own racist and homophobic issues. Instead of comparing himself to the deceased rapper [Tupac] in an attempt to gain notoriety for a up-in-coming singing career, maybe he should have channeled Stonewall hero Marsha P. Johnson and spoke out about the racism black gays (especially black Transgenders) experience within the “Love not Hate” rainbow cabal. I mean, since Jussie wants to make up a fictitious hate crime story involving nooses to the dismay of our ancestors, why not deal with the real “hatred” within his own faction of sexual misfits? I guess that “Same Love” Macklemore rapped about about several years ago doesn’t always extend towards the end of the LGBTQ rainbow now does it?
I decided to wait until all of the crescendo of social media brouhaha or received to see if any apologies would be made not only by Smollett, but from the anti-straight black men coalition who tried to essentially “Kevin Hart” or bully, black men into what they perceived as not standing up for Jussie. In fact there was one limp-wrist clown who wrote a commentary for no Vibe Magazine entitled Op-Ed: Straight Black Men’s Silence On Jussie Smollet’s Homophobic And Racist Attack Is Dangerous, by Richy Rosario. Rosario, who states in the article he’s a 27-year-old gay Dominican man, said he has to pray before entering barbershops and that he’s “never felt supported by straight men to safely be his full self in front of them.” The frantic writer continues to divulge his inner feelings using emasculating dog whistles like “toxic masculinity” to subtly shame black (even though he includes brown) men as he argues:
“I don’t care how historically homophobic black culture can be. That will never be a valid excuse for one’s silence or ignorance. In Hollywood, music, politics and sports, there are tons of black men with influence who choose to turn a blind eye or “mind their business,” and it’s not helping anyone.”
I wonder after Rosario picked up his face from the floor, would he come out of the closet and apologize to us “cisgendered” straight black men for what many of us knew was a sham from the very onset. Rosario, and others of his ilk, have openly demonstrated not only their contempt for straight black men but if you’re not for us, then you’re against us and will quickly be labeled as “toxic” and a “homophobe.” The truth is, black men as a collective do not care how those of the LGBTQ mishmash crowd choose to identify themselves or what alternatives lifestyles they engage in; at least this brother doesn’t. However, in the same way you choose to live your life by labeling what you do privately, publicly, you cannot force (me) or other black men to agree with your lifestyle. When has it ever benefited black people to put their sexual identity first? It’s the same nonsensical quagmire black feminists have fell for since the days of agent Gloria Steinem and white feminism. Although Smollett -who faces 16 counts for filing a false police report and disorderly conduct- failed in his attempt at being the poster child for gay black victimization, however, he continues his innocence pleading not guilty following his arraignment in Cook County Circuit Court this past Thursday.
Whether you believe the actor’s story of events and it being staged from what the prosecutors are now calling is not really the crux of this post. There seems to be an ongoing “Trojan Horse” undertone found in many of these so-called “SJW’s” victim movements. For example, I was an ardent supporter (initially and obviously) of “Black Lives Matter” which sprang into action following the highly publicized death(s) of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Only to find out that not only is “Black Lives Matter” a paid opposition front group full of racial agitators and provocateurs, black hetero-normative or (that c-word again) cisgenders, are nothing more than propaganda to an otherwise LGBTQ, immigration agenda. Using the deaths of unarmed black males to generate media attention, cause social unrest, AND at the same time, eyeing political aspirations as if they could give a damn about the deaths of ‘black lives’ aforementioned above, is disgustingly disingenuous. This is why this Smollett situation wreaks of conspiratorial efforts gone awry in a ploy that seems too far fetched to use the excuse that he’s some “underpaid actor.” Time will only tell if the clout-chasing actor will really find out how “F’d Up” this world really is not as the fictional character Jamal Lyons, but as the non-fictional Jussie Smollett, a black man. Peace.

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